מערכה |
Era |
במ מג עה - AOL A-A BRE D+S EoMR EoS EE EE+D EMR ER GS I IC PYR(DE5ul) PYR(DE7l) PYR(DE9l) SR |
Language |
C af ar bg ca ca cs da de el en eo es et eu fi fr fur gl he hr hu id it ja ko la lt lv mk nb nl pl pt pt ro ru sk sl sr sr sv tl tr zh zh |
Hunters are an ancient cult in Arendia. These men used to go out, usually with only the cloaks on their backs for protection, and hunt the dragons that lived in and around Arendia. They were known as hunters for they had not yet found their prey. When they did, and had single-handedly killed it, they became known as slayers. The Arendians have no word for one who has found a dragon and not slain him, for all such combats were required to be to the death, but the closest word would be 'fodir', which translates roughly as 'food.'
Of course these days there are only wyverns for them to hunt and kill, and few enough of them anyway, but the hunter cult lives on as an unofficial segment of Arendian clan armies. They operate as advance infantry in special situations. They do not take orders, but must be asked to assist. They are typically glad to wield their blades in Arendian service.
מתקדמת מ: | Swordsman Archer |
מתקדמת אל: | Slayer |
עלות: | 39 |
נק\ | 46 |
תנועה: | 5 |
נק\ | 88 |
Level: | 2 |
נטייה: | סדר |
ID | Arendian Hunter |
יכולות: |
![]() | sword להב | 6 - 4 קפא\ | |
![]() | bow חודר | 8 - 3 טווח רחוק | |
![]() | fire arrow אש | 10 - 2 טווח רחוק |
עמידויות: | |
להב | 0% |
חודר | 0% |
מוחץ | 0% |
אש | 0% |
קור | 0% |
קסום | 20% |
סוג שטח | מחיר תנועה | הגנה |
אדמת מרעה | 1 | 40% |
ביצה | 3 | 20% |
גבעות | 2 | 50% |
הרים | 3 | 60% |
חול | 2 | 30% |
חורשת פיטריות | 2 | 50% |
יער | 2 | 50% |
כפר | 1 | 60% |
מים עמוקים | 99 | 20% |
מים רדודים | 3 | 20% |
מערה | 2 | 40% |
קיר מערה | 99 | 40% |
שלג | 3 | 20% |
תהום | 99 | 20% |